Monday, July 2, 2012

RIM. What are you doing?

Hello RIM

Hey what are you doing? I spend a fair amount of time on the internet sometimes and when I do, somewhere out there I always come across an article about RIM.

Just so you know, I really like your products, so this isn't a hate on, however I acknowlege that you have ignored changes in the marketplace for too long.

But thats water under the bridge...or at least I hope so...

But please always remember

People like trinkets, the shinier, the better (translation: bragging rights and stylin)

People like convenience  (iTunes)

People above all else love simplicity

Now I realize I'm covering a lot of ground here, but my point is this...I'm tired of the negative hype that surrounds you RIM.

The latest example is your announcement that BB10 will be delayed. Too bad, things do happen, but what bothers me is how its presented to Joe public.

(Remember, they (said public) are AND will always be your best sales tool in your arsenal, ALWAYS.)

Maybe its good to have a few sub plans to help buffet the shock that people feel when such announcements are made, like maybe....

A new promo video  (focus on the positive)

Exclusive promos for long time customers (offered exclusively, not publicly)

Promo upcoming devs, their backgrounds, their products, their customers

Promo your upcoming developments with interesting snippets (not geek talk) so that your loyal base doesn't abandon ship like they are now; knowing they really do have something to look forward too.

Have workshops and clubs like they have for the automotive industry, great customer service always works

And most importantly, don't backpedal. If you don't show confidence in yourselves, how is anyone else going to?

The BB devs situation is a prime example of great hype, but now what? If they get concerned...

It all affects your bottom line. People follow when they see other people do things. Your announcements should be planned with care!
Migration vs abandon ship

I know you have great corporate connections and if that is what you wish to focus on, I understand, but even there, companies are caving into workers demands, (whether for right or wrong).

I apologize if my perceptions are somewhat inaccurate, but hey I'm just a guy who wants to see you succeed in the end.

What Do You Make of RIM’s Latest Announcements? - BerryReview - Mobile Edition

The shift continues...