Friday, June 29, 2012

Mazda says goodbye to the rotary engine again

Just a thought or two, hopefully this isn't the last the world sees of this truly innovative engine. Its original purpose was to offer a small, compact engine, produce adequate power and run smoothly. Over the years it did just that allowing Mazda to offer a limited production, high performance engine, for typical Mazda value added prices. (Really an exotic car engine, but because Mazda produced it for a relatively low MSRP, it lacked the cache of high end exotics.)

Due to its compact dimensions and smooth running nature, hopefully Mazda might consider a hybrid drivetrain, offering the (Wankel) engine, bolstered by the instant torque of electric motors with a smaller capacity rotary to keep things charged up. After reading about the new Tesla, it looks like the batteries are still too heavy, expensive and slow to charge. That might be ok for car makers appealing to the higher end of the market, but it must make it challenging for a manufacturer to produce a model thats affordable for the rest of us.

Come on Mazda, don't let us down, you've done it many times, giving the average guy a fun ride for reasonable dollars. Don't let all those long years of develpment to bring the rotary to market fade to dust.

Say Sayonara, Renesis: Mazda Makes its Last Rotary Engine (For Now)

And wow, another unexpected alliance. Any thoughts?

For the Mustang collector

Google plus mod

Wow what a week! Apple lands another blow against Samsung